Please use only the approved, official versions of the UNC Lineberger logo. Downloads are provided here.
The UNC Lineberger logo is the approved logo for use by the cancer center approved by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This version of the logo has been developed for use by approved schools, centers and institutes that wish to designate their names in the signature. Do not alter these logos, their colors, or contents in any way.
UNC Cancer Care, UNC Health and UNC Hospital Logos
UNC Health has implemented a modified visual identity. Entities and departments within UNC Health are now required to follow these new guidelines. These new identity standards include a modified UNC Health logo, along with Facility and Affiliate logo systems. UNC Cancer Care, UNC Health and UNC Hospitals logos are available to employees on the UNC Health Intranet.
For questions about UNC Health or UNC Hospitals logos or to request one, please contact UNC Health’s Public Affairs & Marketing team, brand@unchealth.unc.edu
Additional Logo Information
Project/Research Logo Needs
Unit logos are only allowed for colleges, schools, and approved centers and institutes. One of the ways to establish a unique brand within the University is to implement a “type treatment.” Type treatments are stylized version of department names that are set below the University logo or corresponding unit logos.
Example of type treatment: