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The full name of our cancer center is UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. The chart below gives examples of specific references to UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and affiliated entities.

As a general rule, any organization should be referred to in all communications using its full proper name on first reference and its acronym or common noun on second and subsequent references.

Upon first reference, UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center would be referred to as such. On second and subsequent references, it should be referred to as UNC Lineberger, or its common noun “the cancer center.”


First Reference Second & Subsequent Please note
UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center UNC Lineberger

“the cancer center”

“UNC” should always precede “Lineberger”
NC Basnight Cancer Hospital (in a logo) or N.C. Basnight Cancer Hospital (in text)

NOT North Carolina Cancer Hospital

the cancer hospital

the hospital

Always reference in conjunction with UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
NC Memorial Hospital (in a logo) or N.C. Memorial Hospital (in text) the hospital Please do not refer to this hospital as the “main hospital”
UNC Cancer Care UNC Cancer Care Cancer Care is always two words
UNC Medical Center UNC Medical Center, the Medical Center UNC Medical Center is a new name for a well-established health care family, including UNC Hospitals and the community clinics staffed with UNC Faculty Physicians. Read more.
UNC Health Care UNC Health Care Health Care is always two words. Avoid using “the system”‘ whenever possible
University Cancer Research Fund The UCRF or “the fund” More information here

Specific references to departments

Capitalize all department names when using the full, official name and upon first reference unless they appear in a series. Upon second reference, department names should be lowercase. The word “department” should always be lowercase unless used in conjunction with the official name of the department,. Please do not capitalize names of programs.


  • The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine has accepted an award.
  • Professors involved in the project represent the departments of surgery, family medicine, pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology.
  • John Doe is the director of the Department of Genetics. He was named director of the department of genetics in 2010.