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Developmental Research Program

Program Director: Shelton Earp III, MD

The Developmental Research Program has promoted novel breast cancer research across the population, translational and clinical arenas.

This program includes mechanisms for stimulating grant applications, rigorously evaluating proposals, selecting projects with advocate input, and monitoring progress.

A new component will specifically solicit and evaluate DRP proposals from underrepresented in medicine faculty, including those from our two historically Black colleges and universities (HBCU) partners, North Carolina Central University and NC Agriculture & Technical State University.

Evaluation and selection processes include a well-established, independent peer review that includes patient advocates and UNC Lineberger Community Outreach and Engagement Community Advisors.

Career Enhancement Program

Program Director: Lisa A. Carey, MD, ScM

We are focused on:

  • Identifying and recruiting junior faculty who have demonstrated excellence in a discipline that can be applied productively to breast cancer translational research
  • Enriching the field by recruiting a diverse group of qualified women and underrepresented in medicine
  • Promoting career development by providing adequate start-up, access to translational infrastructure within the SPORE and UNC Lineberger, and diligent mentorship, guidance and support