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Dr. Ribisl, Professor of Health Behavior and Director of the Coordinating Center for the NCI/CDC-funded Cancer Prevention Research Network (CPCRN), is an experienced tobacco policy researcher and now is UNC Lineberger Program Leader for Cancer Prevention and Control. He has been a CCEP mentor for the past decade. From 2002-2005, he served as the Training Program Director for the UNC Pre-doctoral Tobacco Use Prevention and Control Training Program, which was funded by the Associations of Schools of Public Health and the American Legacy Foundation. He currently is principal investigator of an NCI-funded U01 (Maximizing State & Local Policies to Restrict Tobacco Marketing at Point of Sale).

Dr. Troester, Professor of Epidemiology, is a molecular epidemiologist and co-leader of the Cancer Epidemiology program at UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. She has experience mentoring doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in molecular epidemiology, particularly focused on breast cancer. She is currently Principal Investigator of a U01 grant from the National Cancer Institute focused on the molecular epidemiology of breast cancer disparities and is an investigator in the University of North Carolina Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE). She is Co-Principal Investigator of the Carolina Breast Cancer Study and Principal Investigator of the UNC-based Normal Breast Study.


Laura Dunn, Program Coordinator
Laura provides administrative support for the Program, the fellows, the Training Advisory Committee, and the leadership. In other words, she makes the Program work!