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Cancer can affect your loved one both emotionally as well as physically, and you may find yourself offering  them emotional support.

This can include simply listening to and comforting your loved one, or it could be using an outside resource if you feel that they need more help than you can provide.

The resources in this section can help you and your loved one manage the emotional issues that arise throughout the cancer journey.

Comprehensive Cancer Support Program (CCSP)
UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center

The CCSP is dedicated to helping patients and their caregivers with cancer treatment, recovery and survivorship. We offer a variety of programs and services that can help patients and caregivers both during and after treatment.

Our team of doctors, nurses, counselors, volunteers and support staff will work to help you and your family find what you need during your cancer journey.

Listen with Your Heart
American Cancer Society
Practical advice for friends and family members about how to talk to someone who is undergoing cancer treatment.

What Can I Say to a Newly Diagnosed Loved One?

How to be a Friend to Someone with Cancer

Supporting a Friend with Cancer
American Cancer Society
Although written for friends, this resource provides tips for anyone on what to say to best support a loved one going through cancer treatment.

Managing Emotions
Information on coping with emotions of going through the cancer journey, from fear and depression to anger and guilt.