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How to Get Involved at UNC Lineberger

Physician-researcher Lisa Carey in the clinic with a patient.

Patients, survivors and caregivers all play a crucial role in advancing cancer research and care.

By bringing the perspectives and priorities of patients directly into the research process, we can more effectively bridge the gap between researchers, clinicians, and patients. This input and advocacy helps ensure that scientific advancements align with the real-world challenges and experiences of those affected by cancer.

Learn more about how to get involved at UNC Lineberger with advocacy opportunities and research participation opportunities, and how to connect with patient support services.

Advocacy Opportunities


The Patient Advocates for Research Council (PARC) at UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center provides researchers with the perspectives and experiences of patients, survivors and caregivers on issues associated with clinical studies and projects.

The goal of this collaborative process is to generate knowledge and insight that will improve the lives of all cancer patients.


The Lineberger Excellence in Advocacy Program (LEAP) invites cancer patients, survivors, caregivers and community members to become advocates with our cancer center. Advocates work with staff and researchers to guide our programs and research studies.

LEAP advocates help by:

  • Sharing thoughts and opinions on programs and research studies
  • Reviewing patient materials to make sure they are easy to understand
  • Highlighting issues that are most important to patients and their families

Participate in Research


The Patients And Researchers Together (PART) Program is a patient-centered tissue collection partnership between patients and researchers to increase tissue donations for cancer research.

By choosing to donate your tissue, you have a chance to help researchers learn more about cancer and discover new and better ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer. You can be a part of the team to help improve the lives of all cancer patients.

Clinical Trial Participation

Clinical trials are research studies that involve people. All clinical trial participants are volunteers. Clinical trials are needed to answer specific scientific questions to find new ways to prevent, diagnose or treat cancer. All new advances in cancer care are first tested in a clinical trial.

Learn more about clinical trials, or find a clinical trial at UNC Lineberger.

Patient Support Services

Our Comprehensive Cancer Support Program (CCSP) is designed to address the multifaceted needs of individuals and families affected by cancer, providing support from diagnosis through treatment and survivorship.

By combining emotional, physical, and practical support, the CCSP aims to empower patients to feel informed and supported throughout their journey.

An example of CCSP support that is particularly important to TNBC patients is the Parenting with Cancer Clinic.

Clinic Information

Breast oncology patients should schedule appointments with the UNC Breast Center.

Call (984) 974-0000 to make an appointment, to refer a patient or to speak with an operator who can direct your call.