UNC Lineberger Community Advisory Board member
Catherine Huffman has held an interest in representing and advocating for patients across the care spectrum, ranging from the improvement of the informed consent process in research studies to promoting a better patient experience with the online patient portal since becoming a patient of the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center in 2000. One might argue that her background in patient advocacy is more extensive than most. As listed below, she has held several advisory positions on projects at LCCC. Her position on the Patient and Family Advisory Council allows her to draw upon her personal experience with LCCC to share insights on how to improve patient outcomes, while her role as an advocate in LCCC’s Patient Research Advocacy Group gives her the opportunity to contribute to aspects of clinical trial design and staff training. Catherine Huffman also believes in openly discussing common issues patients face, such as being unable to afford treatment or not knowing the type of questions to ask their provider, until a solution is found. Serving as an advocate for patients in this health system has allowed her to really appreciate the diversity this institution has in both the breadth of research conducted and through their numerous partnerships nationwide. Her role as a patient advisor for this project will allow her to continue in work she is passionate about – ensuring patients are properly informed of colorectal cancer screening test options and helping patients feel empowered to make a screening decision that is right for them.