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Associate Professor, Cardiothoracic Surgery
Director, UNC Early Detection of Lung Cancer Program
UNC-Chapel Hill

Area of Interest

Clinical Interests

Thoracic oncology including cancer of lung, esophagus; lung transplantation; minimally invasive thoracic surgery including robotic surgery; extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO); lung and esophageal surgery. Robotic thoracic surgery, esophagectomy, lung cancer surgery, lung transplantation, chest wall resection and reconstruction, thoracic trauma

UNC Early Detection of Lung Cancer Program

Research Interests

Ex-vivo lung perfusion; use of lungs from non-heart-beating donors for transplant; international health. Lung cancer screening, Lung nodule localization and resection, esophageal cancer, Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS), robotic surgery, lung transplantation.

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