Bozymski-Heizer Distinguished Professor
Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Research, UNC School of Medicine Office of Research
Director, North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute (NC TraCS)
UNC-Chapel Hill
Cancer Epidemiology
Area of Interest
Pre-cancerous and cancerous conditions of the esophagus
Awards and Honors
- Master Endoscopist Award, American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 2023
- Ray Hayworth 62 Medical Alumni Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, UNC SOM & SPH, 2009-present
- Associate Editor, American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2009-present
- Chair, Clinical Practice Section, American Gastroenterological Association, 2008-present
- Editorial Board, Clinical Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 2007-present
- President, North Carolina Society for Gastroenterology, 2006-08
- AGA Young Investigator Clinical Science Award, 2005
- Assoc. Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology (Tenured), UNC School of Medicine and SPH, 2004-2009
- Best Doctors in America by Best Doctors in America, 2003-present