Graduate Student
Curriculum in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Shengjie is a third year PhD student in the bioinformatics and computational biology program. He studied as an undergraduate at Purdue University where he majored in genetics and minored in economics. He is very interested in bioinformatics, machine learning and programming. He is motivated by the concept of precision medicine and wants to find the biomarkers in cancer that can be used as targets in immunotherapy from genomic data.
Since joining the Vincent Lab Shengjie has built the tool for predicting missense mutation derived neoantigens and analyzed genomic features of cancer data to gain a deeper understanding of molecular and immune characteristics of different types of cancer. Currently he is working on splice variant neoantigen prediction using splice graph and mutation calling in expressed region using only RNA-seq data.
In his off hours, Shengjie likes to play soccer, badminton, video games and enjoys traveling.