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Jack Griffith, PhD, Faculty Director
Alexander Makhor, PhD, Facility Supervisor


The Electron Microscopy facility offers services in EM, photography and image processing. Consultations in research problems regarding the use of electron microscopy and individual or group training in sample preparation are provided, where practical, by Facility personnel. Applications that require expertise in sample preparation at a level not practical to provide through training (for example, thin-sectioning, freeze-etching or EM immunohistochemistry of a small number of samples) are provided by the Facility director or laboratory supervisor. The decision as to whether Facility personnel prepare samples for a Cancer Center member or train him/her in methods of sample preparation and instrument usage is based upon the practical aspects of sample number, projected duration, cost, availability of personnel, etc. Every effort is made to expedite high-quality research at a minimal cost to the investigator. EM Core Facility personnel routinely provide consultations in general scientific photography, and image processing and computer-based slide-making procedures.


Soraya Rosenfield, Research Technician


Dr. Jack Griffith


Room 125
UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center


Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.