Program News
News and stories about the UNC Lineberger Endometrial Cancer Center of Excellence
Governor’s proclamation puts the spotlight on gynecologic cancers
Governor Roy Cooper has proclaimed Sept. 18-25 as Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Week in North Carolina.
Bae-Jump elected co-chair of NCI uterine task force
Victoria Bae-Jump, MD, PhD, has been elected co-chair of the National Cancer Institute Gynecologic Cancers Steering Committee’s Uterine Task Force.
Endometrial Cancer Center of Excellence focused on advancing research and care, eliminating disparities
UNC Lineberger is launching the Endometrial Cancer Center of Excellence to advance the scientific understanding of the causes, prevention and clinical treatment of endometrial cancer.
Grateful patient gives back through favorite sport
Lisa Milligan created Golfing for the Gals to raise funds for UNC Lineberger to support uterine cancer awareness, research and education.
Study tracks endometrial cancer across North Carolina
UNC Lineberger researchers led by Victoria Bae-Jump, MD, PhD, are launching a major initiative to track 1,000 women across North Carolina with endometrial cancer.