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The Basic Research Fellowship Grants are two-year, $100,000 grants supporting postdoctoral fellows conducting brain tumor research. Applications due annually in mid-January.

Basic Research Fellowship Program

The American Brain Tumor Association seeks applications from postdoctoral fellows embarking on careers dedicated to brain tumor research. Basic Research Fellowships provide up to $100,000 in support over a two-year period. Applicants should be on-track to pursue a career in brain tumor research with a mentor who has a demonstrated history of brain tumor research and mentorship. The intent of this program is to encourage talented, early-career scientists to enter, or remain in, the field of brain tumor research. As such, the ABTA hopes to help ensure a continuum of dedicated, well-trained brain tumor researchers that will emerge as the next generation of leaders in the field.

ABTA Basic Research Fellowships provide support for basic research projects that have significant potential to advance our understanding of the causes, effects, diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors. Studies focusing on quality of life or survivorship issues are not appropriate for this research focus area. This funding mechanism is appropriate for both basic and clinical fellows conducting laboratory or field-based research projects. The research proposed should not be defined as clinical research, or research for which an investigator directly interacts with human subjects/patients.

We seek proposals addressing all types of brain tumors, benign or malignant, primary or secondary (metastatic). Applications proposing projects that do not directly relate to brain tumor research will be administratively withdrawn from consideration.page4image22560

Appropriate research projects include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • Brain Tumor Biology
  • Etiology
  • Genetics
  • Molecular/genetic epidemiology
  • Diagnosis
  • Risk assessment
  • Biomarkers of risk, disease burden, and/or treatment response
  • Novel Therapeutics
Please visit the ABTA website for additional funding opportunities and further information about this fellowship: