Life Sciences Research Foundation
Since 1983, the Life Sciences Research Foundation (LSRF) has funded nearly 500 outstanding postdoctoral fellows in all areas of the life sciences, and raised more than $50 million from generous industries, foundations and individuals to support this effort. Application Deadline: October 1
LSRF Postdoctoral Fellowship
The award is $60,000/year for three years. $50,000/year is for the fellow’s stipend/salary and the remaining $10,000/year is a research allowance for the fellow. The research allowance is to be used for laboratory research supplies, scientific meeting registration and travel expenses (including the LSRF Annual Meeting), small equipment (including computer workstations, a laptop, printer) and up to $2,000/year may be applied toward the fellow’s out-of-pocket health care costs. Acceptance of the LSRF Fellowship Award requires the host institution to commit funds to cover the awardee’s benefit costs in excess of $2,000. Funds are paid quarterly to the fellow’s host institution and the fellow is paid by the host institution, not LSRF. No indirect or overhead costs may be charged to the fellowship.
Application Deadline: October 1
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