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The mission of the PhRMA Foundation is to support young scientists in disciplines important to the pharmaceutical industry by awarding them competitive research fellowships and grants at a critical decision point at the outset of their careers.

Postdoctoral Fellowships

Post Doctoral Fellowships provide stipend support to well-trained graduates from Ph.D. programs who seek to further develop and refine their research skills through formal postdoctoral training. These fellowships are designed for individuals engaged in a multidisciplinary research training program that will create or extend their credentials.

The awards support candidates proposing to gain new skills in relevant areas. Funding is for up to two years, but not beyond the third year of the existing post doctorate. Applications requesting funds to continue an existing postdoctoral program for a third to fifth year will not be considered, nor will preference be given to those applying for funds to support postdoctoral work in the laboratory where their graduate work was performed.

The sponsor (mentor) of the post doctoral program must describe how the multidisciplinary goals of the research training program will be accomplished, and provide assurance that key collaborating mentors endorse and are willing to support the training plan.

Research Starter Grants

Research Starter Grants offer financial support to individuals beginning independent research careers at the faculty level. This program provides a research grant of $100,000 for one year (with the exception of the Research Starter Grant in Adherence Improvement which provides $50,000 for one year).

The “starter” aspect of the program strives to assist individuals who are establishing careers as independent investigators. The program is not offered as a means to augment an ongoing research effort. Funds must be used to conduct the proposed research.

Research Starter Grants support individuals in academia who do not have other substantial sources of research funding. Applicants will be judged on the scientific merit of the proposed research, and on the degree of financial need.

Funds may not be used for salary support of the grantee, but may be used to support technical assistance. The support of technical assistance may include hourly wages of a technician; however, funds may not be used to provide fringe benefits or cover indirect costs.

No more than $1,500 per year may be used by the grantee for travel to professional meetings. Indirect costs to the institution will not be covered, and grant funds may not be used for this purpose.

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