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To reflect the mission of a comprehensive cancer center, the UNC Lineberger has three types of members — member, associate, and emeritus.

Full Member: UNC Chapel Hill faculty, who have a demonstrated record of cancer research including cancer-relevant publications and research funding, are eligible to be cancer center members.

Full Members must have:

  1. A faculty appointment at University of North Carolina system institution
  2. Contributed to the peer-reviewed cancer literature within the past 3 years.

In addition, Full Members must have:

  1. Obtained extramural cancer-relevant peer-reviewed grant support as a PI, Co-PI, Co-I or as a key member of team science efforts, within the past 4 years;
  2. Served as investigator or co-investigator on one or more LCCC interventional cancer clinical trials within the preceding 24-month period. For this purpose, an investigator or co-investigator should contribute to protocol development, implementation, patient accrual and participate at a level justifying publication co-authorship;
  3. Provided specialized medical, scientific or administrative expertise to the overall research mission of the LCCC;
  4. At the Director’s discretion.

Junior Faculty
Junior faculty planning to conduct cancer research are eligible to apply for Full Membership at the time of University of North Carolina faculty appointment, provided they have a track record of authoring higher-impact journals in their respective field. It is expected that such individuals will meet the eligibility requirements listed above within 4 years of receiving LCCC Membership.

Associate Member: Faculty, including clinicians and health-care professionals, who conduct cancer-relevant basic research, clinical research, prevention and control but do not have peer-reviewed funded cancer research projects, can become associate members. Associate members may come from the University and organizations in the Research Triangle. Demonstrated research productivity is strongly encouraged.

Emeritus Members: Retiring members and/or distinguished senior faculty and researchers from the university and organizations in the research triangle may be appointed emeritus members.

The Director and Program Planning Committee annually review members’ research and funding and may re-classify membership status – making a member an associate member or vice-versa. Members may request a review and adjustment of their membership status.