Dining and Meal Service
Dining and Meal Options while at the N.C. Basnight Cancer Hospital
Dining and Meal Service
UNC Hospital
The link above provides information on the variety of dining options available for all visitors of UNC Medical Center. This encompasses dining venues in other medical buildings connected to the N.C. Cancer Hospital.
Freedom Pay
UNC Hospital
A convenient way to make purchases at cafeterias without having to have your wallet or money with you. To learn more, see a hospital cafeteria assistant or visit the link above for more information.
A Freedom pay kiosk is located in the Terrace Café in the Children’s Hospital. If you are staying with a loved one in the hospital and find it convenient to order from the cafeteria menu directly from your room, you can order and pay for your meal by phone using your Freedom Pay account.
Carolina Dining Services
UNC Chapel Hill
When you are at the N.C. Basnight Cancer Hospital, you are also on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill. If you and your loved one are interested in taking a walk or short bus ride to explore the campus, you will find a number of different dining options near the hospital. The link above lists their location and hours.