James Evans, MD, PhD, published his thoughts on the 23andMe genetic testing controversy in the Dec. 13 issue of The Cancer Letter.
In the editorial, “Reflections on FDA Warning to 23andMe,” Evans explains why the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did the right thing by cracking down on the Internet-based genetic testing company, which advertised medical benefits to customers who had used their testing kit.
“The bottom line is that genomic analysis is a complex medical test with the power to help, to harm, and to confuse. The FDA was simply acting within its mandate and made a reasonable demand regarding 23andMe’s product: show us the data in support of your claims. The company couldn’t do that, so the FDA took the logical next step. When I buy a toaster I expect it to live up to the claims that have been made. Why should we expect anything less for something advertised as a medical test?” wrote Evans.
Evans is the Director of the Cancer Genetics Program and is a member of the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center.
To read more, visit The Cancer Letter website here.