AHC now has optimized immunohistochemistry assays for more than 20 commonly requested murine antibodies, click the title to see the full list.
IHC for the following murine antigens can be ordered through the AHC without the investigator needing to independently order an antibody:
- Arginase 1
- B220 (CD45R)
- Cleaved Caspase 3
- CD3
- CD4
- CD11b
- CD31
- CD45
- CD47
- CD49b
- CD206
- CD95
- Ly6G
- FoxP3
- F4/80
- Fas
- Ki67
- S-100
- Survivin
- Vimentin
Please contact Stephanie Montgomery (stephanie_montgomery@med.unc.edu) if you are interested in dual staining and/or immunofluorescence, as this can be done on a case-by-case basis. Some optimal IHC labeling requires special fixation methods, so please contact us as you plan your experiments.