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UNC Lineberger’s Satish Gopal, MD, MPH, was invited to serve as co-chair of the National Cancer Advisory Board’s ad hoc Working Group on Global Health, which is charged with providing insight to the advisory board’s Subcommittee on Global Cancer Research, the board, and the NCI director on the vision, accomplishments and operations of the Center for Global Health.

UNC Lineberger’s Satish Gopal, MD, MPH.

Gopal is a UNC Lineberger member and the cancer program director for UNC Project-Malawi, a research and care collaboration between UNC-Chapel Hill and the Malawi Ministry of Health. He is also jointly appointed in the UNC School of Medicine Divisions of Hematology-Oncology and Infectious Diseases as an Associate Professor Medicine.

The membership of the Working Group on Global Health will include select members of the National Cancer Advisory Board, as well as people with experience conducting basic, clinical, and epidemiological research in low-and-middle-income countries.

The group’s role will include focusing on the mission, prioritization process, goals, and scientific activities of the center.

The initial meeting is slated to be held in Bethesda, Maryland, in the spring.