Kathy DeClue of Randolph County was featured in Family House Diaries in August 2012. She celebrated the success of a second stem cell transplant for leukemia by renewing her wedding vows with her husband of 41 years before 80 friends and family.
Kathy DeClue waited 41 years to renew her wedding vows. A successful second bone marrow transplant gave her the chance.
“At our 40th anniversary on Feb. 5, 2012, I was too sick,” said Kathy, 58, of Trinity, N.C., in Randolph County. “This February I was in the 100-day, post-transplant stay in Chapel Hill. May 4 was the first day we could get everyone together.”
On that day at 2 p.m. Kathy walked down the aisle at her church, Midway Baptist in Jamestown, N.C., on the arm of her brother, Danny Hammed, 53, and before 80 family and friends, she and her husband, Harles, 65, recommitted themselves to each other for at least another 41 years.
Date: June 20, 2013