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CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – Get Real and Heel, led by Diane Groff, EdD, and Claudio Battaglini, PhD, received just over $71,000 from Susan G. Komen for the Cure® NC Triangle to support Get REAL & HEEL, a 5 month program that provides individualized prescriptive exercise and recreational therapy to women who have completed all chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery within 6 months. The program reduces the impact of cancer treatment by decreasing distress and improving strength, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, balance, coping, hopefulness, neurocognitive functioning, heart rate coherence and variability, and quality of life. The program particularly tried to address health disparities by targeting African American and Latina women and offering uninsured and underinsured women services free of charge.


Cecile Skyrznia, MS, received a second grant for $67,925 to cover the cost of genetic testing for underinsured and underserved women (and men) newly diagnosed with breast cancer. After undergoing genetic risk assessment, those who have an at least five percent probability of carrying a BRCA1/2 gene mutation and need to know their genetic status to plan their surgery will be eligible to have the cost of genetic testing covered if they can’t afford it, thanks to this support.