UNC Lineberger’s Fellowship Program in Hematology/Oncology is being recognized by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) this weekend at the organization’s annual meeting in Chicago, Illinois.
Each year, ASCO acknowledges programs that have 10o percent fellow membership in ASCO. As one of the programs that has achieved this status, the Hematology/Oncology program at UNC will receive a Training Program Membership Award.
UNC’s oncology fellows are physicians who have completed their MD degrees as well as a residency program in internal medicine and are at UNC to complete advanced training in the field of medical oncology. Once their training program is complete, they will be eligible to become board certified in oncology.
This training program is an important component of UNC Lineberger’s three-part mission to improve cancer care through research, clinical care and education of the next generation of physicians and scientists.
Congratulations to Thomas Stinchcombe, MD, Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Director, and Fran Collichio, MD, Hematology/Oncology Associate Fellowship Director, and to all of our fellows!