On April 26, more than 6,000 people participated in the 7th Annual Tar Heel 10 Miler
Endurance Magazine, The Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership and Fleet Feet Sports came together once again to host Chapel Hill’s largest annual race and celebrate the community. UNC Lineberger was happy to be a race charity partner in this event for the fourth consecutive year. UNC Lineberger runners and fundraisers raised $12,000 through UNC Lineberger’s Tar Heel 10 Miler fundraising website.
Among the runners was UNC Lineberger member, Kurt Ribisl, PhD, director of The UNC Center for Regulatory Research on Tobacco Communication (CRRTC). Dr. Ribisl and members of his CRRTC team set out to run an eight minute mile pace. CRRTC Research Assistant, Kevin LaFleur, was happy to report that Dr. Ribisl set a personal record finishing the challenging course in 1:23.
Teri Haskins of Chapel Hill ran the race in memory of her father. Says Teri, “My dad lost a lung due to lung cancer, but because of advances in research, he lived another 20 years after his diagnosis. He would have been 88 years old today. This is the longest race I have ever run. I wore his initials on my shirt and his love and support in my heart.”
UNC Lineberger was honored to be a part of this year’s event. Mark your calendar for the next Tar Heel 10 Miler on April 18, 2015!