Noam Vanderwalde, MD, a radiation oncology resident at the N.C. Cancer Hospital, was awarded a 2014 Young Investigator Award by the Conquer Cancer Foundation of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).
The $50,000 grant will fund a randomized phase II study of walking interventions for radiation-related fatigue in older patients receiving adjuvant radiation.
A graduate of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Dr. Vanderwalde has published several studies examining radiation therapy for elderly patients. He was awarded the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Clinical/Translational Developmental Research Award in 2013 for his research into functional assessment and radiation adherence/toxicity in older and younger patients with cervical and endometrial cancer.
The Young Investigator Award program was established in 1984 and has since evolved into the Conquer Cancer Foundation’s flagship grant program aimed at training the next generation of cancer researchers. In 2014, the foundation awarded 50 Young Investigator Awards at ASCO’s annual meeting in Chicago.