Clinical Trials
Clinical trials help doctors find better ways to treat and prevent cancer. If you or a loved one has cancer, you might consider joining a clinical trial in order to try a new drug or treatment, or to help doctors develop better treatments for the future. Browse our list of current and upcoming pancreatic clinical trials below, or search our clinical trials database by cancer type, drug, doctor, or protocol.
Open Clinical Trials at the Pancreatic Cancer Center of Excellence
We’ve made it easy to discover available clinical trials for which you or a loved one might be eligible. Select a cancer type and stage, and if you see a trial that you would like to enroll in or learn more about please contact the study’s coordinator via their linked email or listed phone number.
To learn more about our services at the Pancreatic Cancer Center of Excellence and UNC Lineberger as a whole, we encourage you to visit our Patient Care page. To make an appointment with a physician or to talk with an operator who can redirect you, please call (984) 974-0000.