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Barbara Wiedemann

January 28, 2011
Barbara started a yearly motorcycle tour in memory of her husband Dave, and it has raised over $70,000 to support research to improve the standard of care of patients with cancer of the esophagus.

Kelly Dixon

January 28, 2011
A project started by Kelly sparked efforts across her community to help raise funds for breast cancer research in memory of Kelly's mom.

Nancy Sample

January 28, 2011
Nancy likes the idea of funding research that is in early stages and might not get the chance to progress without private support. That's why she set up the Murphy and Nancy Sample Seed Grant for Pancreatic Cancer Research.

Barbara Wiedemann

January 28, 2011
Barbara started a yearly motorcycle tour in memory of her husband Dave, and it has raised over $70,000 to support research to improve the standard of care of patients with cancer of the esophagus.

Kelly Dixon

January 28, 2011
A project started by Kelly sparked efforts across her community to help raise funds for breast cancer research in memory of Kelly's mom.

Nancy Sample

January 28, 2011
Nancy likes the idea of funding research that is in early stages and might not get the chance to progress without private support. That's why she set up the Murphy and Nancy Sample Seed Grant for Pancreatic Cancer Research.

Rich and Marilyn Preyer

January 28, 2011
The Preyers have committed $1 million to establish The Richardson and Marilyn Jacobs Preyer Distinguished Professorship for Breast Cancer Research at UNC Lineberger.

Susan Hudson

January 28, 2011
Seeing UNC Lineberger as a "rising star" worthy of investment, Susan and her family gifted a life insurance policy intended to underwrite research by talented investigators at a critical stage in their discovery process.

Rich and Marilyn Preyer

January 28, 2011
The Preyers have committed $1 million to establish The Richardson and Marilyn Jacobs Preyer Distinguished Professorship for Breast Cancer Research at UNC Lineberger.

Susan Hudson

January 28, 2011
Seeing UNC Lineberger as a "rising star" worthy of investment, Susan and her family gifted a life insurance policy intended to underwrite research by talented investigators at a critical stage in their discovery process.