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RCA is proud of its history of contributions to the many projects that have used our services to connect with potential recruits since its creation in 1993. The valuable data generated via RCA has made North Carolina a leader of population-based cancer research in the nation. As a marker of its quality, some RCA data has even been collected into national and international research consortia.

Explore the following PubMed bibliographies to see the depth and breadth of RCA’s contributions—and by extension, the contributions of our partners in healthcare. Studies can help us keep track by alerting RCA via email when they publish and by using RCA’s acknowledgment.

The RCA Team has done its best to compile lists of the articles pertaining to each current and past study. We apologize if any papers were included or excluded in error. To be included or removed so that we may maintain these bibliographies’ accuracy and completeness, please email a link to the PubMed abstract to

Resource Guide

The Resource Guide is RCA’s annual publication for the medical registrars of North Carolina’s hospitals and oncology treatment centers and for prospective researchers wishing to work with RCA. The Resource guide is also where you can learn about the studies to whom RCA is currently providing path reports.

View RCA Resource Guide

Rapid Case Ascertainment Contributions

View full bibliography of all studiesmore than 900!

Breast Cancer

Colorectal Cancer

Gynecologic Cancers

Head and Neck Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Other Cancers

RCA acknowledgement for publication

We ask all that the following be included with their acknowledgements in every publication that uses any data generated from participants recruited through RCA:

This research recruited participants and/or obtained data with the assistance of Rapid Case Ascertainment, a collaboration between the North Carolina Central Cancer Registry and the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. RCA is supported by a grant from the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health (P30CA016086) and the University Cancer Research Fund of North Carolina.