Patients And Researchers Together (PART)
Patients are PARTners in cancer research
At UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, patients are a PART of bringing new discoveries from the laboratory to the clinic by donating their tissue to research to help improve the lives of all cancer patients.
Ask your doctor how to donate tissue for research
PART-Tissue and Sample Donation Program
The PART Program is a PARTnership between patients, advocates, researchers and other key stakeholders to motivate patients to donate the tissue that researchers need to create new and meaningful treatments for cancer.
By choosing to donate your tissue, you have a chance to help researchers learn more about cancer and discover new and better ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer. You can be a PART of the team to help improve the lives of all cancer patients.
About PART
The Patients And Researchers Together (PART) Program is a patient-centered tissue collection PARTnership between patients and researchers to increase tissue donations for cancer research.
We work together as a team to:
- Inform patients about the benefits of donating tissue for research
- Inform the public about the importance of tissue to help researchers learn more about cancer
- Ensure researchers at UNC have access to tissue for their research
Samples and tissues
Samples and tissues include materials from your body such as tumor or normal tissue, blood, skin, hair, saliva and urine.
Donating samples is your choice
Before you decide whether to donate, it is important you understand what donation is, how it works, and how you can play a role by agreeing to take part in the program.
Samples used in research
Researchers use your samples, along with those from thousands of other patients, to look for ways to prevent, find, or treat health problems like cancer.
Many people like knowing their sample donations will help researchers advance medicine and improve the treatment of others.
Patients who can donate
Patients from all backgrounds are encouraged to donate samples. Ask your doctor for more information.
From a patient
“Knowing that my tissue sample could help researchers find a better treatment, or a cure, gives me much needed hope. I’m thankful to be a partner in this process.”
— Missy Van Lokeren
Learn how to be a part of research at UNC
Get in touch if you want to volunteer to be a member of the PART team or if you want more information about PART.