September 5, 2023
UNC RNA Discovery Center awards inaugural fellowship grants
The UNC RNA Discovery Center has awarded three fellowship grants to support innovative research investigating various roles of RNA in health and disease.
September 5, 2023
The UNC RNA Discovery Center has awarded three fellowship grants to support innovative research investigating various roles of RNA in health and disease.
June 28, 2023
The grant will support Chad Pecot, MD, and his research investigating the roles circular RNA may have in regulating whether a form of lung cancer will spread beyond the original cancer site.
July 22, 2022
The UNC RNA Discovery Center, led by Chad Pecot, MD, will cultivate an inclusive community of scientists dedicated to investigating all aspects of RNA biology.
September 16, 2020
Qi Zhang, PhD, Robert McGinty, MD, PhD, and team determined the high-resolution structure of a key DNA-sensing protein in the innate immune system called cGAS while it is bound to the nucleosome.