April 22, 2024
Navigating cancer: Understanding tumor grades and stages
UNC Health oncologists and pathologist provide a basic overview of staging cancers and grading tumors, and why these categories are important to your medical team.
April 22, 2024
UNC Health oncologists and pathologist provide a basic overview of staging cancers and grading tumors, and why these categories are important to your medical team.
November 14, 2022
A genomic study of more than 200 people with the most common type of bladder cancer that has spread could help guide how the cancer would respond to immunotherapy.
August 16, 2021
William Kim, MD, and colleagues have published findings that adding the experimental drug entinostat to an immunotherapy-like treatment substantially boosted cancer remission in laboratory models.
July 27, 2021
Led by William Kim, MD, and colleagues, this research has important implications for patients who have not been offered immunotherapy because of their genetic profiles.