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Bae-Jump is a professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology and will serve as one of the Co-PIs for UNC TREND and will be the Contact PI. She will co-lead Projects 1 and 2 and the Administrative Core.

Bae-Jump’s area of expertise is metabolic signaling in obesity and gynecologic cancers, and her research focuses on understanding the inter-relationship between obesity, metabolism and endometrial/ovarian cancer as a means to develop innovative targeted therapies for these cancers, using animal models and translational clinical trials. Given the disparate clinical outcomes found in African American women battling this disease, Bae-Jump has expanded her research focus to delineate the inter-relationships among obesity, race and EC pathogenesis and treatment, including emphasis on the microbiome as well as metabolic targeted therapies.

She is the Director of Fellowship Training in Gynecologic Oncology at UNC, the Director of Gyn Oncology Translational Research within her division, the Leader of the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Gynecologic Oncology Clinical Trials Pod, and she runs an NIH-funded translational laboratory. As part of their fellowship, the gyn onc fellows train in Bae-Jump’s laboratory for 12 months, with their research leading to their thesis project for graduation.

Bae-Jump receives funding from NIH (including a current R37 Merit Award), the American Cancer Society, the V Foundation, among others and has served as the PI of investigator-initiated, industry- and cooperative group-funded clinical trials. Bae-Jump is the PI of the recently closed NRG Oncology Group-sponsored clinical trial GOG286, a two-arm, randomized, placebo-controlled phase 2/3 study of the efficacy and safety of metformin as an anti-cancer agent for women with advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer in combination with P/C, vs P/C with placebo. Bae-Jump is well-equipped to lead and oversee UNC TREND and assure that UNC leadership provides support and guidance.

Victoria Bae-Jump stands outside in the N.C. Cancer Hospital courtyard wearing a white doctor's coat