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This is the current social media guidelines for use of social media by the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network.

Photo of phone with social media apps


A single voice is preferred in all online interactions. Currently, Tim Poe will provide that consolidated voice to monitor, update, and post on UNC Lineberger Cancer Network’s social media accounts. Efforts need to be made to ensure that all UNCLCN social media venues reflect this single voice.


UNC Lineberger Cancer Network uses social media to highlight its own material, including programs, blogs, newsletters, new content to the Web site, reports and other UNC Lineberger Cancer Network resources. All posts from the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network shall be consistent with the organization’s Mission, Vision, and Values. All posts from the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network will be from trusted sources. These include UNC and UNC Health Care media outlets, nonprofit associations, nonprofit publications and social media experts.

Frequency Goals

  • Twitter: One to five tweets per week.
  • Facebook: One to five posts per week.
  • LinkedIn: One to five posts per month.

Tracking Interactions
and Evaluating Success

The UNC Lineberger Cancer Network should track its interactions whenever possible on all social media by using the available technology. Currently, this technology includes:

  • Facebook Page Insights for tracking interactions and demographics.
  • Google Analytics for tracking referrals to sites.


Employees shall not post confidential information regarding UNCLCN, LCCC, SOM, or UNCH on UNC Lineberger Cancer Network and personal social media accounts. This includes financial information, legal matters, organizational internal strategies, campaign benchmarks, unreleased advertising or promotions, internal processes or methodologies, circulating rumors, or personal information of colleagues or members. Employees posting on behalf of UNC Lineberger Cancer Network are to respectfully and professionally represent the organization, adhere to the terms and conditions of any third-party sites, and take full responsibility for their communication.