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Photo of UNCLCN team volunteering

For the past two months members from the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network have volunteered at local food organizations. In November, we volunteered at Table in Carrboro N.C. with other Lineberger Staff members. Table’s mission is to deliver health and nutrition education to children in Orange County. During our time volunteering we sorted food items, did cleaning up of the space, and cleaned food storage areas.

In December, members of our group volunteered at The Carolina Community Gardens. We enjoyed participating, as some of our tasks consisted of chopping up compost foods and layering it with soil and helping cover vegetables and fruits to protect them over night. The Carolina Community Gardens is a program of the North Carolina Botanical Gardens. They mainly distribute the fruits and vegetables grown to UNC’s lower waged workers.

Read more about the mission and goals of Table and The Carolina Community Gardens.

The UNC Lineberger Cancer Network Team plans to continue finding ways and opportunities to serve our community in 2023!