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Site Coordinator

Site Coordinators make it possible for oncology professionals to gather in rooms at healthcare facilities across North Carolina and to participate in the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network’s Live Webinars. A Site Coordinator needs access to a conference room with a video conferencing system or large display connected to the internet and the ability to publicize a webinar with fliers, emails, and listservs. To be a Site Coordinator, contact the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network at

Before a Live Webinar

Each webinar needs to be publicized so that clinicians know about the webinar and the location for viewing. Publicizing the webinars consists of posting fliers on bulletin boards where clinicians work or congregate as well as sharing emails and PDF fliers through email and listservs. Publicizing the webinar includes ensuring that people know where to go at the appropriate day and time to watch the webinar. Site Coordinators can find fliers on the Learning Portal in the Site Coordinator Materials section.

Also on the Learning Portal in the Site Coordinator Materials section is connection information that Site Coordinators use to connect their video conferencing system or computer with large-screen monitor to the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network’s Live Webinar. The connection should be made about 30 minutes before the webinar to ensure that any problems can be worked out before the webinar begins.

After a Live Webinar

The Site Coordinator needs to make certain that only those attendees who watch a minimum of 50 minutes of the presentation sign a roster provided by the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network. During the next week, that roster needs to be scanned and returned to the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network via the Learning Portal Site Coordinator Materials section.