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UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Urologic Oncology Program provides diagnosis and treatment for patients with genitourinary cancers including prostate, kidney, bladder and testicular cancer.

Urologist Matthew Milowsky uses a stethoscope on a patient's back in a clinical exam room.

The Urologic Oncology Program is a multidisciplinary group of health care providers that include urologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, radiologists and pathologists with specific expertise in the management of genitourinary cancers. The UNC Urologic Oncology Multidisciplinary Clinic provides patients with the unique opportunity to be seen by multiple providers during a single visit followed by a Patient Treatment Planning Conference where all new patient visits are reviewed to create a consensus recommendation on the diagnosis and treatment plan.

Specialists from surgery, medicine, radiation therapy, radiology, pathology, and nursing form a dedicated patient care team and deliver individualized care in a coordinated and caring manner.We strive to provide comprehensive patient care that includes the latest research and treatment options. Our team will communicate openly with you, your loved ones, and other health care providers.

We know that a cancer diagnosis can be difficult and we are committed to help you navigate this journey.

Appointments & Questions

Call (984) 974-0000 to make an appointment, to refer a patient or to speak with an operator who can direct your call

(8 a.m. – 5 p.m., EST Monday – Friday)

The Urologic Oncology Clinic is located on the second floor of the N.C. Cancer Hospital.