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Our Aims

  • Aim 1. Develop the careers of a diverse cadre of trainees as independent investigators in TRS with a focus on reducing tobacco-related disparities.
  • Aim 2. Support innovative, independent, mentored TRS research of trainees at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) and other TCORS through an annual pilot research project program.
  • Aim 3. Implement and evaluate Core processes and activities that support health equity.

Advancing Tobacco Regulatory Science to Reduce Health Disparities requests applications for innovative pilot research projects responsive to the priorities of the FDA and Tobacco Regulatory Science and our TCORS goals. We seek to fund small, interdisciplinary research projects that include researchers with expertise in public health, medicine, psychology, communication, media studies, and/or other relevant disciplines. We particularly want to support pre- and post-doctoral, new, and early-stage investigators.

Pilot research projects must address one or more of the FDA Center for Tobacco Products’ research priorities. They should also relate to the overall theme of the UNC TCORS program, which is to build the science for effective regulation of and communication about tobacco products disproportionately used by priority populations, especially flavored tobacco products and e-cigarettes. Priority is also given to projects focusing on health disparities or advancing health equity. The application is due Friday, June 14, 2024 (Midnight EST).

Pilot Research Grant Application Guidelines

Core Members