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Research Study Group – Careers at NCI

For April’s Research Study Group we will hear from Sean Hanlon, the Associate Director of the Center from Strategic Science Initiatives (CSSI) at the NCI. As part of his job description Dr. Hanlon contributes to the vision and strategic plans of the Center and develops and implements new initiatives. Prior to joining CSSI he served … Read more

Director’s Career Symposium

Join us for the annual Integrated Training in Cancer Model Systems Director’s Career Symposium featuring career focused talks from invited speakers representing three different career paths: Academia, Science Policy, and Biotechnology.

Proteomics Workshop

Workshop will be designed for ITCMS trainees, and will be led by Dr. Ben Major.

43rd Annual Postdoc Faculty Day

UNC Lineberger's Annual Postdoc-Faculty day will take place on Tuesday, September 25, 2018, at the Carolina Club at the George Watts Hill Alumni Center.

Research Study Group – Non-Academic Job Searches

Join us for a presentation and discussion with UNC's Training Initiatives in Biomedical & Biological Sciences (TIBBS) on job searches for non-academic careers. Bring a copy of you CV for training on how to convert your CV to a resume and tailor your resume to a specific job posting. Additional topics will include how to … Read more

Research Study Group – Outreach/Science Communication

Marsico 7004

For this month's RSG, we will discuss the timely and important topic of scientific outreach, communication, and advocacy. As recipients of tax payer-funded federal research dollars, and an aggressive climate where trust in the scientific community is at risk, it is important that scientists are able to engage in our community. We have three excellent … Read more