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Laura C. Hanson

Professor, Geriatric Medicine; Medical Director, UNC Palliative Care Fellowship; Associate Director, Geriatric Fellowship, UNC-Chapel Hill


Professor, Geriatric Medicine; Medical Director, UNC Palliative Care Fellowship; Associate Director, Geriatric Fellowship, UNC-Chapel Hill

Laura Hanson, MD leads a program of research to measure quality of care and outcomes, and to study interventions to improve outcomes for older patients made vulnerable by frailty, serious illness, or late-stage dementia. She leads the Measurement Core for the NINR-funded Palliative Care Research Cooperative group, and the NIA-funded Patient and Caregiver Reported Outcomes Core for the IMPACT Collaboratory, supporting innovation in dementia clinical trials.  Her recent research includes development and testing of quality measures for hospice and palliative care, community-based supportive care for African-Americans with cancer, and NIH-funded clinical trials to improve the quality of decision-making and quality of care for patients with advanced dementia.

Quality of Cancer Care Delivery

Decision Sciences and Economics

Patient Reported Outcomes

Health Disparities/Equity