A collection of resources related to grantwriting
If you have comments or suggestions, please contact Matthew Nielsen. For near-real time updates, follow us on Twitter.
Grantwriting Workshops and Resources
Grant Writers’ Seminars and Workshops
Grant Application Writers’ Workbook
Grant Training Center In-Person Workshops
American Federation for Medical Research Grant Writing Skills Workshop
ASCO/Conquer Cancer Foundation Grant Writing Resources
New (2015) Biosketch Format for AHRQ/NIH Applications
NIH New and Early Stage Investigator Policies
NCI Cancer Patient and Survivor Cohort Studies
NCI Cohort Consortium Membership Information
NCI Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to support the Cancer Epidemiology Cohort Infrastructure
Connected Health: Improving Patients’ Engagement and Activation for Cancer-Related Health Outcomes
PCORI Workshop on Research Dissemination and Implementation Framework and Toolkit
National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) Participant User File (PUF) information