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Join the Equity Council. Are you interested in taking action to make UNC Lineberger a more diverse, equitable and inclusive institution?Are you interested in taking action to make UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center a more diverse, equitable and inclusive institution? Consider nominating yourself or someone else to join the Lineberger Equity Council.

The Lineberger Equity Council, a board of dedicated faculty, staff, trainees and patient advocates, is committed to building diverse and equitable systems that enable UNC Lineberger to deliver the best care, train the best clinicians and scholars, produce and disseminate the best and most impactful research throughout the United States, and receive significant levels funding.

In 2021, the Lineberger Equity Council (LEC) developed a list of 22 recommendations to infuse diversity, equity and inclusion principles into the programs and policies at the cancer center. Now, the LEC is focused on developing concrete steps to put these recommendations into action and create measures to follow the progress over time.

“My experience with the equity council has been empowering and eye-opening. It’s encouraging to know that the LEC has representation from all disciplines and that we are all working toward a common goal of excellence in diversity and equity,” said Kelly Tan, PhD, RN.

Council members are expected to attend the two-day virtual Racial Equity Institute phase one training and at least 75% of all scheduled meetings, including bi-weekly committee meetings and bi-monthly council meetings.

The executive core of the LEC asks that council members uphold the highest level of professionalism and courtesy with other equity council members and the greater UNC Lineberger community.

“I would encourage individuals that are passionate about diversity, equity and inclusion. I would encourage others to join to be able to enact the change that is going on,” said Yumika Forney, MPH.

Nominations can be submitted online.