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From the Telehealth Director

March 13, 2018

True to form, March certainly was “In like a lion.” Please click on headline to read full article.

Using Zoom to Attend the UNC Cancer Network Lectures

March 8, 2018

Throughout the last year, the UNC Cancer Network has used GoToWebinar to permit individual participants to view our Telehealth Lectures and Community Lunch and Learn Lectures from the comfort of their own computers (Please click on headline to read full article).

From the Telehealth Director

October 5, 2017

Though it seemed like it would never happen, fall colors are finally appearing, and leaves are really starting to come down. With autumn in full motion, there is plenty of excitement here at the UNC Cancer Network. I hope that you find this information informative, and we always appreciate your feedback and questions.

From the Telehealth Director

October 5, 2017

This will be the first in a regular series of updates regarding activities within the UNC Cancer Network Telehealth Group. I hope that you find this information informative, and we always appreciate your feedback and questions.

From the Telehealth Director

October 5, 2017

It is with a heavy heart that I share with you that the UNC Cancer Network will be saying farewell to Alan Brown, who will be leaving us at the end of 2017. Alan has been with the UNC Cancer Network since July of 2016. During Alan’s 18-month tenure, he almost single handedly developed our new UNC Cancer Network Learning Portal ( ). This is the tool that now allows us to provide our lectures as enduring materials, with credit up to one year, for applicable series (Please click on headline to read full article).