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This will be the first in a regular series of updates regarding activities within the UNC Cancer Network Telehealth Group. I hope that you find this information informative, and we always appreciate your feedback and questions.


It has been a busy summer here at UNC. Alan has been hard at work on our new Learning Management System (LMS) which we plan to move into production in November. This will provide live lecture attendees and site coordinators with an improved experience, and will also accommodate enduring materials, meaning our Medical and Surgical Oncology and RN and Allied Health Lectures will be able to be viewed at your convenience, with credit awarded after completing a short assessment and evaluation. Each lecture will be available as an enduring material for one full year after the live presentation. We feel certain this will allow far more clinicians to benefit from our telehealth lectures. Look for more information in the weeks ahead.

Mary is very busy preparing for the 12th Annual Coping with Cancer Conference on October 21st. The topic is Striving for Excellence in Palliative Care. There are still spaces available. Please go to our site to find the registration link. Mary and Alan are working on a special oral cancers lecture, to be presented December 8, 2017 by Drs. Hackman, Patel and Padilla (more details to come).

Veneranda is our newest team member. She has quickly mastered the many technical tasks that go into our day-to-day operations here at UNCCN. She is also working with the rest of the team to plan and execute our transition to a new platform for delivering video, called Zoom. We are very excited about this improvement, and you will be seeing details, including training and documentation, in the late fall and early winter.

As always, our team strives to provide the citizens of North Carolina with the very best in oncology education and professional collaboration. We are extremely thankful to all speakers, lecture attendees, clinicians, and collaborators who make this possible.

All the best,
