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A Tufted Titmouse enjoying a spring morning

A Tufted Titmouse enjoying a spring morning


Dear UNC Lineberger Cancer Network Friend,

I hope that May finds you and your loved ones well. Things here at the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network are as busy and productive as ever. Our new Technology Support Technician, Aaron Schmidt, has already been with us for almost three weeks, and he has quickly become an indispensable member of our team. We have completed a two-day training for our new learning management system, EthosCE, and we are hard at work getting it set up to release in early summer. And, as previously mentioned, the APP Grand Rounds series will debut on May 19th at 4:00 PM.

For over a year now, much of our time and effort has been devoted to taking events that had been held in person and moving these online. I am incredibly proud of the work that our team has done to help facilitate conferences, multidisciplinary tumor boards, and other events on platforms such as Zoom. We have done our best to encourage best practices, polling, breakout rooms, and more to ensure that online environments are as secure and productive as possible.

Over the next several months, we anticipate that many of the events we help support will now move into a hybrid model. One or more groups are gathered in person, while many others attend virtually. As we move forward, one of our challenges will be to provide opportunities that are as engaging for the participants online as they are for those in the room. I believe that this will require improvements in pedagogy and technology, and our team looks forward to working with you to create compelling hybrid learning and collaborative environments. Please be sure to let us know what is working well for you, and what you think we could do to improve. If you encounter an event that is particularly engaging in this hybrid scenario, we would love to hear about it.

Wishing you continued strength and fortitude in these challenging times,
