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Dragonfly on HorsetailDear UNC Lineberger Cancer Network Friend, 

On behalf of the entire UNCLCN Team, I hope that you are having an enjoyable summer. Things here at the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network have been “hopping,” to say the least.  

I want to thank you all for your patience as we have worked through some unexpected issues with our new Learning Portal ( ). We know that some hiccups have made the first few weeks a little confusing (complex workflow, repeated reminders, etc.). We should now have things worked out, but please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions or concerns.  

I regret to report that we have said farewell to the most recent addition to our group, Aaron Schmidt. Aaron’s technical expertise, friendliness, and willingness to go the extra mile were greatly appreciated. He left us last week to take advantage of a very compelling offer in the private sector. He will certainly be missed. We hope to make some announcements regarding new team members in our September newsletter.  

As summer progresses, I encourage you to sign up for upcoming PCC, R2P, and APP professional lectures. Please also see Mary’s article about the upcoming UNC LCCC Oncology Clinical Trials course. This is one of several series that we will be offering this fall. Please stay tuned for updates in upcoming newsletters.  

Wishing you continued strength and fortitude in these challenging times,  
