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The UNC Cancer Network manages a library of nearly two hundred oncology lectures. The freely available videos cover a broad range of topics with relevance to physicians, nurses, allied health care professionals, patients, caregivers, and others.


The UNC Cancer Network Lecture Video Library now contains nearly 200 separate, cancer-related videos.You can find these by visiting our site at and clicking on the Lecture Video Library link. When you arrive at the library, you will see our most recently recorded lectures from each of our four monthly series:

• Medical/Surgical Telehealth Lectures
• RN and Allied Health Telehealth Lectures
• Community Lunch and Learn Lectures
• Community College Oncology Lectures

These are prominently displayed at the top of the page. In the middle of the main page, you will find links to some of our most popular lectures. Finally, at the bottom, you will find our Channels. These reflect our different lecture series, as well as Special Events and Conferences.

One of the more impressive features of our library is the search tool. You will find this in the upper right portion of the screen. Practically every word of every slide in every video is indexed in the search database, allowing you to locate just about any topic that may have been referenced in any video dating back to our earliest recordings.

To view a video in our library, simply click on the thumbnail image above the title. The video should start playing as soon as it loads. You will see presenter video on one side of the page, and the slides on the other.

Useful features of our library include an Embed link, which will allow you to easily embed a video within a web page and our Share feature, which enables you to quickly share one of our videos with colleagues via the Share icon. You may also navigate to any portion of the video by sliding the blue navigation dot along the horizontal blue line on the screen.

We hope that you enjoy our lecture library, and find it useful. We use Sonic Foundry’s Mediasite for all lecture capture and playback. Details about our library can be found at our site by going to About UNCCN > Mediasite at UNCCN. Please always feel free to contact our team with questions or comments regarding our library or any of the other services offered by the UNC Cancer Network.