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Please join us in welcoming Veneranda Joseph Obure as the UNC Cancer Network’s new AV Support Engineer.

Veneranda Obure, AV Support Engineer


In this role, Veneranda will be providing technical support and development for the Telehealth team, as well as technical support to all of our sites and tumor board participants.

Veneranda comes to us from the President’s Office in Tanzania, where she was the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Officer for 11 years. Veneranda’s background includes Cisco Networking, developing guidelines and procedures for critical systems, and infrastructures, coordinating ICT training, and a host of other essential skills making her an ideal addition for the UNC Cancer Network. Veneranda’s experience is enhanced by her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering & IT, and her Masters in Public Administration in Global e-Policy & Government. Veneranda reports to Tim Poe, Telehealth Director, and is located at ITS Manning. We are excited to have Veneranda join our team!

Submitted by Mary King, UNC Cancer Network Operations Coordinator.