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Postdoctoral Fellow
Health Behavior

Research Interests

My current research interests involve provider communication about HPV vaccination with parents of adolescent patients and how that communication affects vaccine initiation and coverage. I also have research interests in global sexual and reproductive health, and in the intersection of mental health and the criminal justice system in the United States.

Selected Publications


  • Grabert, B.K., & Fried, B.J. (2018). “Compensation Practices, Planning, and Challenges.” In B.J. Fried & M.D. Fottler (Eds.), Fundamentals of Human Resources in Healthcare (2nd ed.) (pp. 205-232). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

Peer Reviewed Manuscripts

  • Grabert B.K., Gertner A.K., Domino M.E., Cuddeback G.S., & Morrissey J.P. (2017) Expedited Medicaid: Services and Recidivism at 36 Months for Released Prisoners with Severe Mental Illness. Psychiatric Services, 68(10): 1079-1082.
  • Gertner A.K., Grabert B.K., Domino M.E., Cuddeback G.S., Morrissey J.P. (2019) The Effect of Expedited Medicaid on Substance Use Treatment Utilization among People with Severe Mental Illness Released from Prison. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. Published online: January 11, 2019 (
  • Domino M.E., Gertner A.K., Grabert B.K., Cuddeback G.S., Childers T., & Morrissey J.P. (2019) Do Timely Mental Health Services Reduce Recidivism Among Prison Releases with Severe Mental Illness? Health Services Research, 54(3): 592-602.
  • Perry B., Geoghegan C., Lin L., McGuire H., Nido V., Grabert B.K., Morin S.L., Hallinan Z.P., Corneli A. (2019) Patient Preferences for Using Mobile Technologies in Clinical Trials. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications (in press).

Manuscripts Under Review

  • Childers T, Domino M.E., Grabert B.K., Gertner A.K., Cuddeback G.S., & Morrissey J.P. (2019) Expedited Medicaid Referral and Labor Market Participation among Released Prisoners with Severe Mental Illnesses.

Conference Activity and Participation

(* indicates primary presenter)

  • Brigid K. Grabert*, Ilene Speizer, Marisa Domino, Leah Frerichs, Amy Corneli, Bruce Fried (USA): The Association of Religious Leaders’ Teachings and Opinions about Family Planning in Urban Senegal
    • 5th International Conference on Family Planning, Kigali, Rwanda, November 12-15, 2018
  • Alex Gertner, Brigid Grabert, Marisa Domino, Joe Morrissey, Gary Cuddeback: Expedited Medicaid Enrollment and Substance Use Service Utilization among Released Prisoners with Severe Mental Illness
    • 7th Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, Economics and Public Health, Atlanta, GA, June 10-13, 2018
  • Marisa Elena Domino, Joe Morrissey, Alex Gertner, Brigid Grabert, Gary Cuddeback: Do Timely Mental Health Services Reduce Recidivism Among Prison Releases with Severe Mental Illness?
    • Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 25-27, 2017
  • Marisa Elena Domino, Joe Morrissey, Alex Gertner, Brigid Grabert, Gary Cuddeback (USA): Do Timely Mental Health Services Reduce Recidivism Among Prison Releases with Severe Mental Illness?
    • Thirteenth Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry – Mental Health Policy and Economics, Venice, Italy, March 24-26, 2017


Melissa Gilkey