Assistant Professor, School of Nursing
UNC-Chapel Hill
Cancer Prevention and Control
Area of Interest
Our research seeks to improve patient centered geriatric oncological care, integrating patient values, and caregiver input into shared decision making in the ambulatory clinic environment. Currently, we are developing a values assessment tool (VAsT) for use with women who have metastatic breast cancer and their caregivers. This study, funded by a developmental grant from the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, is the first step in creating an intervention to support communication of what is important to individuals with metastatic cancer facing important care decisions to their oncology clinicians.
Awards and Honors
- Arti Hurria Manuscript of the Year Award, Journal of Geriatric Oncology
- Treatment Decision Conversations, symptoms, and Functional Status in older adults with Advanced Cancer: An Exploratory Study Utilizing Mixed Methods, Journal of Geriatric Oncology
- Multiple Principal Investigator, AcademyHealth and Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Characterizing Delays in Cancer Diagnosis for Underserved Populations in North Carolina, 2023-2024
- Elected Member, Board of Directors for the Advanced Practitioner Society for Hematology and Oncology, 2023-2026
- Associate Editor, Oncology Nursing Forum, 2023
- 2022 Chair, Nurse, and Home Care Workforce Session—Projections, Shortage and Implications in COVID-19, AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting Washington, DC
- 2019 Chair, Novel Workforce Methods Session, AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Washington, DC
- NINR (T32) Institutional Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Utah, Cancer, Caregiving & End-of-Life Care, 2018-2020
- Best Gerontology Practice Abstract Award, Western Institute of Nursing 50th Annual Research Conference, Denver, CO, 2017
- Earle C. Anthony Social Sciences Graduate Fellowship University of California San Francisco, CA, 2016-2017