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From the Telehealth Director, November 2022

November 4, 2022

Team Building with UNCLCN Colleagues Dear UNC Lineberger Cancer Network Friend, Welcome to November!!! The leaves are practically raining down right now, and the fall colors are absolutely stunning. This is truly a beautiful time of year. Our team took advantage of the lovely weather last week to do some team building at the Carolina … Read more

NC Community College Oncology Series

October 7, 2022

Since 2016, the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network and the NC Community College System have organized a series of oncology webinars for community college students enrolled in health science programs across the state. This series was designed to provide students the opportunity to learn about different types of resources involved with caring for cancer patients. The … Read more

From the Telehealth Director, September 2022

September 8, 2022

Dear UNC Lineberger Cancer Network Friend, Please join me in giving a warm welcome to Nadja Brown (who co-authored this article) and to Pat Muscarella. Both joined us in the last few weeks. Nadja Brown is our new Interim Administrative Support Specialist. She is a recent graduate from The University of North Carolina at Chapel … Read more

From the Telehealth Director, August 2022

August 5, 2022

Dear UNC Lineberger Cancer Network Friend, Happy August!!! Just like the busy bee in the photograph above, your friends at the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network have been diligently preparing for the fall. I want to extend a thank you to all of you who took time out of your hectic day to respond to our … Read more

From the Telehealth Director, July 2022

June 30, 2022

Dear UNC Lineberger Cancer Network Friend,     Happy summer!!! I hope that yours is off to a great start. Things here at the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network are humming along. The entire team has been busy preparing upgrades to our website and UNCLCN Learning Portal. Please stay tuned for some great improvements we feel you … Read more